Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 38
You don't have anything in histories
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What did ethan do this time wrong that people in comment section are trashing him. Did people read previous ch that it was all Duke plan to spread rumour. He just flirted with fl and that all. He did nothing wrong. He even came to support for her. He even comforted her for not she possessing the Spirits.
It is called “Trauma” for a reason
So shut your insensitive ass up cause clearly you don’t experience trauma yet.
Read your dictionary guys 😁☝🏻
Sleepn _ _.o
Can she get over trauma like seriously, how is Ethan manipulating like he’s just caring for you and he’s trying to survive in this world. Get over the fact that the ml is in love with Julia and notice the fact that Ethan is just supporting you.
Exactly! Tell them @kaypaay!
@basedottore that’s the dumbest shit I ever heard. “Omg it been 30 chapters and the main character still hasn’t gotten over a traumatic past and all the bad things she did. How annoying” be fucking for real. It takes more than thirty chapters to get over trauma. If you want quick action, go find a different manwha
I agree with @basedottore
Everyone is mad at Ethan for breathing, how is what he did manipulating anyone please learn the meaning of words. But Dorothea is the real problem 😭😭😭 my goodness. It’s been 30 chapters and she’s still the same. Still obsessed with Theon, still can’t get out of the past, still can’t see her father is the problem, still not coming up with any real permanent changes to help her future.
Guys they were insulting her he didn’t do anything wrong he was just doing this to make them shut up and notice that the princess is hearing them and if I were her i would’ve had there tongue cut 🙄🙄🙄
I’m dissapointed with Ethan, expected that he Will stop being trashy and manipulative after the princess scolded him but he still is a piece of shit
tf is happening?
Unknownmanwha crazy
I like ethan who suddenly turned athan more lmao
Unknownmanwha crazy
Oh shit shit
I’m dropping this it’s getting to boring
Even though it was an order from her jacka** of her father I just hope she’s not gonna willingly go back to that hell hole🤦🏻♀️
im here for the men
i don’t like both potential mls
Ugh, im happy to see that she’s a bit better mentally, but honestly, i hope this at least gives her some pride in herself qwq (the thing about studying)
My patience is running thin man. We’re nearly 40 chapters in and she’s still caging herself in the past, like, gtfo and change yourself. Her obsession with Theon is also so frustrating, like I just want to grab her and shake her.