Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 32
You don't have anything in histories
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why is ethan so evil?
Both ethan and fl are equally horrible. After reading this ch i pity Theon. She was obsessed with him. If she really want to be better person and overcome from these misery in this life. She should give up her obsession towards Theon. She is still clinging to him and she also give up her inferiority complex towards her brother.
Ethan is cunning, manipulative and so does he perfectly fit for aide of emperor. Because emperor need every info about own surroundings. And he is doing well but here comes with manipulation.
Both ethan and fl are horrible.
After reading this ch i find Theon is too good to be with fl.
No body need romance. Just set up Theon and Julia together and fl and Ethan should be single. Or really make ethan and fl couple, both evil deserve eachother. Her actions doesn’t solely blamed on ethan. She is too blame. They suit perfectly each other. Stephen should not be ml because he is eyeing for the maid. And also she doesn’t deserve Stephan, she killed him in previous life.
He was so manipulative
SuggestMeSomeGOODIsekaimurimreincarnatedtime travel stuffs
Yup… that’s it…. I don’t need them, just make Stephan the MC…
Fuck all these mls , Stephan should be the real ml👍🏻😇