Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 3
You don't have anything in histories
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i… i have the same situation except we’re all childhood friends and I fell in love with my best friend and my girl best friend’s boyfriend… it’s hard, but i will never do those things of course it’s just sad relating to a fictional character
Ml is the silver haired guy
I belief she has the powers to control souls and that is the reason she get to reborn again
I’m curious to know why did she love him so much in the first place
Omg. This is soo sad.
…I get pitying FL upbringing but at the same time, that doesn’t make me empathize with her enough to support her in her 2nd life. tragic as her upbringing was, every decision she made in her adult 1st life resulted in evil. If her dad doesn’t deserve a redemption arc then neither does she. She killed her brother (he might be “dumb” by her standards but he didnt seem bad as far as we know) forced her crush into a loveless marriage, killed her husband’s 1st love over jealousy and ran her country into the arms of the corrupt nobles. All im really hoping is that she comes up with results that would “make her” into an actual good person without the need of a ML.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
and honestly, please don’t let the emperor get a redemption arc and make him into this ideal father because that’s bullshit and I hate when authors do that. The only reason he was a little kind to her in the last chapter is because she showed some value. His death was deserved and even if he doesn’t die this time, I hope he regrets his actions so much that he grows old and decrepit and becomes bedridden.
I’m gonna go look at the spoilers just to see if that bitch gets what he deserves, peace out ✌
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
i honestly hope she finds someone else to love and author doesn’t just give the fl everything she wants this second life and instead allows theon to be with the bubblegum girl.
Yeah, I hope they don’t make Julia two-faced and manipulative in this life to “justify” the FL killing her.
Honestly, I hope for all their sakes, that Theon doesn’t fall in love with FL istead in this life… but judging by the cover…
Chan khuman
I hope silver hair ml could give the love she needs. 🥺
wow thats sad 😬 im not expecting much from the male leads in the cover, homegirl have so many problems idk where to place lovelife lol
neways because of that info about theon and pink hair… ok i may nooot root for him, he seems so miserable with her, and she also miserable with him 😪
they can just be friends ig
Spring and Summer
I was about to say, probably the ML is not the black haired boy. In the Novel cover FL’s face is looking towards the silver haired man. And usually covers give you some kind of spoiler.
Thank goodness I didnt want black hair guy to be ml… I would accept it if he never loved julia or maybe she trans migrated in novel but she is reborn in same body so if he love her in this life I dont know how it feels to if someday he remember his past life too
SPOILER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ML is the silver hair boy, not Theon.
I feel really terrible for her. I hope she learns to love herself first and that she can avoid a life spent begging these people for love. Why does the FL always have to only be stuck with the people who caused her pain in her past life? Can’t she start over? I hope the silver haired boy on the cover is someone totally new.
I wonder who is that guy with silver hair in the wallpaper. Umm,I can’t judge Theon,he surely loved Julia at that time. FL killed her brother,Julia and even Theon,though Theon committed suicide,but it still because of FL.
I wonder how the author will redeem FL in this life. Is Julia be the lotus bitch that everyone will hate or she’ll be a helpful character to FL?? Hopefully not the lotus bitch, because Julia was innocent and a victim of fl’s scam in the past…
the fl is so pittiful. even i would have gone crazy for someone if i was unloved since birth and would have seen a ray of hope in someone. i wish fl don’t repeat her mistakes in this life and lead a happy warm life. it’s just a story but i wonder if someone have actually lived such a miserable life, so heart breaking
im.. Ykw she better not start the bs😭