Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 28
You don't have anything in histories
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theon is better
I like more Tron🫥
Tho i like black haired and red eyed characters but Idk i prefer ethan too, cuz we barely get a yandere ml 💀
I adore Ethan so much-
He’s too cute..!
And… He has yandere tendencies..
Also husband material~
Dorothea’s so lucky~!
well ofc ethan pulled the violin out of his pockets unlimited inventory
Miss Uni
Haha u ppl in the comments have good logic! Rlly love it!!u guys are so interactive too😁😆 and waiting for the next updatee!!👀💖💖
is ethan secretly steve???
Your_Anxiety attack
Ethan pulled a violin in his inventory with no limit
So the violin??? Where did it come from??
Omg I’m glad I’m not the only one wondering where that violin came from.😂
He pulled a violin from the void
Rum Lawrence
Most of the adults in this story r immature, arrogant and stupid as well 🙂