Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 22
You don't have anything in histories
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These disgusting commenters and readers just keeps blaming fl even though knowing the reason of all her sufferings, still victim blaming e? Just because the brother is so kind and acts cute always? Lol, you can’t just move on from your past traumas right away just because you regress. The pain is still there, the anxiety, the fear is still there and it’s not as easy as you comment here to just forget it all and be kind to the people who make you feel these emotions and suffered from it to the point that she become a tyrant because of the pain of not being loved by anyone, the feeling of no one by your side and the feeling of abandonment like you didn’t or never existed. You will never know the feeling until you experience it though and i tell you it’s not so easy as what you think to overcome it all at once.
How about start blaming the trash father who doesn’t have balls to raise his/her children and just thinks about himself and has a favoritism towards the siblings. A trash father who blames an infant for being born just because his lover died from giving birth, how’s that the kids fault? Blame the father for all this tragedy because of his bad parenting not the FL. You commenters don’t have brains you’re just as trash as the father for thingking it’s the FL’s fault ang blaming FL always.
God everyone in this comments section is brain rotted- neither was wrong. Both were product of their upbringing. They were pitted against eachother and she was right, it inly wouldve ended in that lifetime in one of their deaths. He didnt do anything for her- he admits knowing she was suffering and he did NOTHING- even when he rose to power he was incapable of moving decisively because he felt (wrongly) responsible for the actions if their father. While his cowardice is a correct deduction, it was as much as his rebellion against the cruelty of their father. She had no one to trust, no one to take care of her and became, cold and cruel- but she never was nutured as a child at all and had no frame of reference on inner growth or the ability to process and let go of her resentment (which is NORMAL, given years of abuse and neglect).
The point is, stop trying to blame broken people for being broken, damn.
They never had a chance and thats more tragic than anything, they’re both victims. They both made mistakes- she killed the only family member that truly loved her and he was not wise enough to protect himself in that moment to protect her. They arent 1 dimensional which is why the story is good- their emotional plight feels geniune, feels real. And i for one am glad they didnt pull punches and make the fl do a full 180 im an angel now bullshit. Change isnt that easy, it takes work and time and pain.
oh I think the guy with white hair is not the ml well I kinda wanted him to be the one but whatever
Look at comment section people want expections from a her brother who was child and she didn’t get any affection and he didn’t stand up for it. Do you have much expectations from her brother than the fl. She didn’t stand up for herself in goodway. She is deprived child and got manipulated but she was coward.
She never tried to understand her brother who always looked at her and she always follows theon who never looked at her. Same with you guys never tried to understand her brother. And just you hating him.
Fl is main character, so how can you blame her just blame other for her own misery and stupidity.
Now I don’t think she suited for emperor. When she becomes emperor in previous life she just started war and got 0.5M people get killed and uncountable would have been affected. She is tyrant and she doesn’t suit for emperor. So what if she travelled time and wants to good emperor, she should not get a chance like those secondary character doesn’t get chance when they do bad to main character.
F*ck ethan, Theon and fl. She is for 🗑️. She was and now same as those typical trashy ml. Even during the fighting her brother worried about not wanting to hurt her. She is ruthless. I want her redemption arc. I don’t care anyshit. I want her redemption arc towards her own brother. She is bi*ch.
FL gives Theon second thought but not her brother…..
I don’t like this FL… 🙁
I wanted the brother 😭😭😭😭
Ok edan gives me the ick🤢🤢🤢
Feels bad that the author points out that she only beat him bc hurting her makes him flinch, twice….. wish she was better with swords then him
according to me, she’s so selfish and arrogant.
Me too
violence nor murder is justifiable in my eyes but i really honestly understand where she’s coming from