Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 22
You don't have anything in histories
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I’d want to be emperor in my second life too if I was her. But maybe in second life I would choose a peaceful method to not include killing my brother with my own hands…. still I would want the empire just to trash that freaking old man of mine.
Im sorry but if my parents’s last words would be protect the other siblings from me despite all the blood sweat and tears in war that i’ve been thru for the empire, i would go for a rampage too 😭
I would have killed him too.. I hate fake pity tbh.. he’s just so rubbish this prince
@Shizen Same here all the pain she went through?? like a father is supposed to be the leader in your life or a mother you need someone to leaned you a hand so you can climb up to the top but her she had to kill to the top because everyone saw her as a thorn in there back and she had no one even if she had someone they just wanted to use her.
@FaeBreeze i agree with u 😆😆
How about these two work together and kill their father first this time? 🥰
You guys need to stop criticising Dorothea so much
She was a child deprived of everything, love, respect a happy childhood
It was never her fault. The father had to take up the responsibility even if the mother died at childbirth, it’s not even her fault for that too and they’re blaming her you guys too
I’m sure the mother never blamed dorothea I’m sure she would’ve wanted her to be happy
So selfish.
no one’s gonna comment about how ethan was the one who planted the idea of killing ray? how do we know the emperor’s last words are truly what he claimed them to be?
fck their father like wtf how can that shit be called king if he’s so fcking fcked in the head
I will always feel bad for raymond and I hopeeee they can have a good relationship this lifetime PLEASE
neways I still can’t like theon
Ethan is someone sus but I like him more 🤧🤧🤧
Allie Sis
SPOILER from novel about the father
Even in this new life he didn’t show any regret until he was going to die when he felt a little sorry…so unsatisfying 😭
Your_Anxiety attack
This is all the father’s fault, if he wasn’t a complete bastard and didn’t neglected Dorothy this wouldn’t have happened.
The problem is their father
Dont mind me just simping
I kinda feel sorry for her brother, I’m not taking the side of Dorothy nor her brother cuz yk she’s kinda… Basta un na un
Both siblings have some kind of problem but the father is just a total bitch
Misguided anger on her part. Feigning ignorance on the brothers part
Spring and Summer
This is all the father’s fault
although her little brother didn’t do anything he also seemed to feign ignorance to everything people did to her too. He didn’t once help her get attention from her father nor did he really seem to defend her. Like when she spilled the drink on the duke i believe it’s not like he told his father it wasn’t her fault.
Rum Lawrence
Hah ! It’s always the parents ಠ_ʖಠ now i want both the siblings to turn against the dad (asshole)