Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 21
You don't have anything in histories
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@PsychoPrincess girl stfu people are allowed to criticize things they don’t like if you want to guzzle the authors dick go ahead but leave others alone.
@Sakura because I thought it would get better dummy. But it seems like she’s still irritating and people are acting like I have to like her because she’s the protagonist. Then why doesn’t she take out her anger on him? She’s taking on the wrong person which is my problem in the first place.
can the haters just shut up. no one is forcing you to read it…
@basedottore if you don’t like her or this story that the author created then why are you still reading? 🤨 Also I get what you mean but the father is the one that created that hate she has for her whole family🤷
knowing Ethan is the ML put my worries to the side. I can read in peace
You are all so annoying cause if it was flipped you would hate him for treating her this way. But because she’s the protagonists you look at her actions through rose colored lenses. If anything is annoying it’s her. The author needs to stop putting them together if this is going to be the result because it’s EXHAUSTING to read. At the beginning she claims she wants to live a better life but then proceeds to continue to blame her brother for things out of his control. She hates him for existing which is what her father does to her. You would think since she’s so smart and mature like y’all claim she would recognize that but nooo. And then she is still hung up on this Theon LEWSER but I’m supposed to sympathize with her because what? She got killed in the past? And reincarnated? Lmao okay. When she starts acting with an inch of sense perhaps but right now she can fuck off. The author can fuck off and y’all can fuck off. I will continue to say I don’t like her and how she treats her brother and you can suck my dick. <3
Bro why ppl just don’t understand how boundaries work ??? She clearly doesn’t enjoy being around him can’t he just understand that and give her some space. He’s annoying af
Whoever complaining about her can’t just understand clearly how she feel, in the past life she killed him yeah, coz she was just a child back then and she was being treated indifferent from their father, but IN THIS LIFE, his fcking existence is just a fcking eyesole to her, she tried to understand him to some extent but, what would you feel the one their father care more is tryna be annoying her peaceful normal life that she tried so hard to get. And maybe becoz she’s now mature mind in kid body, those stupid kid behaviour annoy her even more:))), that’s how I would feel if I were in her shoes
Bro like I don’t get why she hates him so much. Even in the past life. He did nothing wrong to her ever, it’s quite clear he’s always cared for hee. I would understand if he killed her before but no she killed him and she’s acting like he’s wronged her. Like whatever bro. I don’t like seeing them together cause their sibling relationship just kisses me off. I hope he loves cause whenever he’s around she’s even more insufferable.
Your_Anxiety attack
I read through the comments that Ethan is the ml, I’m very HAPPY about it
She’s starting to really annoy me.
I just want them to have a good relationship…
Oh well- read the spoiler! Only time can tell then~~
yknow if she didn’t let the bitterness eat her up inside, she could totally install ray as a puppet ruler and be the real brains behind the throne. yeah fundamentally i get that her seizing of the throne in the alpha timeline was never about power and was all about validation, but there’s more than one way to be validated, and having all your ideas for the country faithfully carried out to great effect can be one of them.
Ethan is the ML and there’s more to him than it seems. Also Dorothy and Ray do grow to have a better relationship. Right now they’re at unstoppable force meets immovable object, but she’s softening up while trying to be a better person and he won’t stop caring about her.
She’s doing well
I read that Theon isn’t the ML 🤞🏻
“Anything? Really? Then give up the throne, you don’t have what it takes.”
Clingy guy is so irritating just leave her alone
huhuhu just be nice to him already 😭 he’s always crying 😭
Chan khuman
Why? I’m confused now!
I hope their relationship gets better