Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 21
You don't have anything in histories
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aww poor white hair guy with golden eyes 💔I forgot his name again* ‘-‘
Third time I am telling you Ethan definitely regressed. He mentioned Julia and as far as I see he didn’t go to capital anytime in this lifetime and he knows well and also fl didn’t mention anything. I’m telling you this sly fox definitely regressed or he was the one reversed time? Lets find out later. And I don’t want Theon to be ml. He should be just happy with Julia.
@enigmaticsoul, dude it always feels that way, there is a solid four hundred other people who are with you right now.
“I should be happy it was her that got hurt and not the crown prince” now listen her you little bitc-
Am I the only one who wants theon to be the ml?
Jerk: Julia is just a friend
Me: yeah right🙄 friend my a**
“I should be grateful it was her but not the crown prince” OH FACK YOU OLD MAN, also still waiting these siblings relationship improves tho cuz it was the emperor the real culprit
Liliths bubble
I don’t want theon to be the ML. Please!!!.😔😔
Things finally turned for the better♡
Calistos abs
She just needs some love bro.. it’s breaking my heart on how the 2 siblings r compared like that ohmg 💔
Did anyone else notice the white-haired kid knew Julia who is the person who ends up with the black-haired kid in the future? EVEN THOUGH the princess hasn’t talked about him with the white-haired kid? HMMMM