Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 20
You don't have anything in histories
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this comment section fucking sucks????????
you guys r not fine just cos u saw fl brother few tears huh????
where did the negligence go of the dad who forgot her existence
u guys must have peaceful family life to not c the misery fl was put through both this life and past life
she doesn’t want to get involved with them coz she killed them when she got involved in previous life
let me guess if she did get involved and acted fake you’ll call her fake ass
and now if she doesn’t u r calling her a bitch
This disgusting commenters and readers just doesn’t stop blaming fl even though knowing the reason of all her sufferings, still victim blaming e? Just because the brother is so kind and acts cute always? Lol, you can’t just move on from your past traumas right away just because you regress. The pain is still there, the anxiety, the fear is still there and it’s not as easy as you comment here to just forget it all and be kind to the people who make you feel these emotions and suffered from it to the point that she become a tyrant because of the pain of not being loved by anyone, the feeling of no one by your side and the feeling of abandonment like you didn’t or never existed. You will never know the feeling until you experience it though and i tell you it’s not so easy as what you think to overcome it all at once.
When will the FL learn to accept her own brother? She longs for the love of her previous lover, but dares not open her heart to her sibling? I understand the hate towards her father, however Ray has nothing but loving towards her.
Those who blaming the brother for dense of not seeing the ignorance she feels from her father. He knows but he is weak and what he can do? He is showing his low towards her but she shut her hearts for him because of her inferiority complex.
If you really blame his brother then you should read this ‘I become the younger sister of obsessive male lead’. And her defender(fl) in comment section is lot and won’t spoil you anything, you should read yourself. Im not comparing it with any story but I recommending for those who blaming her brother.
She’s acting like a bitch, and ngl I love it.
SuggestMeSomeGOODIsekaimurimreincarnatedtime travel stuffs
Somehow everything get on my nerves… So frustrating…
Don’t get me wrong, she annoys me as well but i can kind of understand her
@ManhwaQuinn i don’t think so. She’s not annoyed bc her brother gets favorised. She’s annoyed ciz he has everything she wants without having to lift a finger. He attens the school she has always wanted to attend to. She worked her ass off but still wasn’t allowed to. He on the other hand got in easily despite sucking in school. I mean 80th out o 100 student? Pathetic for the future emperor.
She wanted ro be the emperor but no, her brother gets the throne. She wants love but no, her asshole fucker father doesn’t love her even tho technically he killed her? (Of course no one killed her but since he’s arguing by saying dory killed her mom while birth then i’ll say king killed her cuz he mad her prego)
She wanted to take a break from everything that stresses her out and looked forward to join the conpetition but her brother came and signed up as well. He’s a good kid yeah but how does he not realise that dory gets mistreated?
@PsychoPrincess i thought her brother is older?
@manhwaQuinn…. sometimes you are just annoyed at your lil sibs just because they are so airheaded. she is no worse than anyone else when it comes to sibiling relationships…
At this point Dorothy is just being unreasonably annoyed at her brother.. let’s say their parents favor him because he’s a man.. but it’s not like it’s his fault they favor him a lot more than he is.. it’s the adults fault.. Ryan doesn’t fail to show her affection compared to other siblings that have been in favor of their parents.. I think she should be nice that’s how she could pay for killing her brother in her previous life…
Also I like the silver haired guy better as an ML..
In her 1st life the black haired guy does not like her no matter what she did he even killed himself infront of her..
The silver guy was with her through all that in the end he ended up being psycho he deserve to be the ML in her 2nd life..
But obviously the author would make this another black haired ML manhwa 😒
I’m a bit curious on how the borther missed all that mistreatment.. i’m not blaming him or anything but even a blind person can see the difference of treatment his sister received. I hope he’ll learn about it so that dory can stop being annyoed at him (cuz he’d understand why she’s acting like this and chose his words carefully)
Your_Anxiety attack
I’m imagining them teaming up and hunting down there trash father
I feel bad for the brother…
Man, i feel bad for everyone- except for the father. The father deserves nothing
ughhh i feel bad for her brother 😭😭😭 why can’t she wave back 😭 why can’t she at least acknowledge him 😭
I think she’ll forfeit. And f off with your useless badump, red eyes.
Spring and Summer
I bet
1. MC wins
2. MC gets PTSD (when she killed him in her previous life) she freezes and loses
3. Ray lets Dorothy win (that would make MC angry/upset)
4. It’s a tie
Queen Silvia
I bet one will forfeit, or they’ll fight and call it a draw
I layk da byuu