Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 2
You don't have anything in histories
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no ijekiel wins in this life 🤭🤭🤭
They are all so cute 🥰 please don’t do a weird brother loves his sister in a creepy way in the future. I just want my fl to live happily
All these kids are just so cute<3
no… my precious pookie you dont deserve him
I hope he ain’t the ml…I mean he got her killed, right?
And seems like the guy who was sitting behind her in the flash-back of her weeping for the guys death, is the silver-head ML on the poster!!
Or maybe he is a sub-ML?!
How unfortunate for him to be the 2nd ML in both lives!
However, the way she poses on the poster leans more towards the silver-head I guess!
The black-hair guy Then or whatever, looks sad on the poster as I he had lost her to the other guy, no!?
You mean ” It was MY greed that killed HIM”, right!?
Another terrible translation I see! Ugh…
Like so what
In the summary, it says son I think, so who’s the son or did I read the summary wrong-
Your_Anxiety attack
The characters looks like who made me a princess, even the ml looks like ijekiel the second male lead.
lol ijekiel still loses to lucas
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
the translation is ass lol and i didn’t think we were going to be introduced to the male lead (?) this quickly
@eallie what if she enjoys reading lol i mean mentally shes already way older so its no surprise she doesn’t want to read children books. And im pretty sure she wants to keep a low profile but the nanny told the emperor she was intelligent sooo
Awww her life was so cruel so i just hope she can really make smth new now and i hope she be more kind to her brother 😭😭😭 idk what to feel about her father because she right about the tyrant part lol but yeah i hope he suffers
Maybe noone agree with me but the way she is behaving and reading book above her age is not like I want to live peacefully rather it feel like is she is showing off lol
Theon Greyjoy?
I really like ml with black hair and red eyes..sad if he’s not the ml
maybe she can live a peaceful life with the guy she likes this time
Her father..