Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 19
You don't have anything in histories
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r u out of u r mind?????????
she is pushing both Theon and prince what else r u expecting her to do? insult them and become evil like she did in her past life?
u want her to just accept their love and from ur words
crown prince becomes crown prince and ppl mock FL
Theon loved pink hair Julian? last life so he might love her so accept his feelings while still being traumatised by his suicid* ????????
she doesn’t wanna get involved with people who she killed her in past life so be it
if u can’t c few tears of crown prince
dude doesn’t lack any love or affection he gets enough from his dad and frnds unlike fl she doesn’t even have a proper frnd and let’s not talk about parental love
Her double standard with her brother. Fl is really annoying. Look at theo and now look at her brother. Why the double standard. She is herself the problem of all the misery she suffered.
If Ethan is sly fox then this guy Theon is definitely a snake hiding in grass. He is most suspicious person I find him.
I’m really trying not to hate this I like all the characters I don’t like the fl yet she’s the reason why her life is turning out the way it is. She’s not allowing the people by her to be by her. She’s isolating herself the only one who don’t like the fl is her dad . Everyone else she killed in her past life but they are the problem? They did wrong to her? She did watever it took to become emperor but they are the problem cause they’re all idiots like huh?? Her life will better if she allows her self to be happy instead of what’s she’s doing.
She’s barely interacted with Theon, and has only had negative events with him, yet he’s “fallen in love” with her. He’s more suspicious than anyone else. Almost like he’s trying to use her for personal gain.
Honestly, she pairs better with Ethan because they both have troubled pasta.
This is going to get on my nerves
girl what the hell is wrong with you??? calling her a loser was clearly a joke. i also want you to know that this isn’t real. this is fiction. no one will be hurt by me making a joke about a fictional character.
go outside oh my god
I just don’t like Theon. I honestly find him creepy.
Jeeze, she’s incredibly aware of what she did wrong and of how bad she was as a person, and is adamant about changing. But, if the boy who has been the object of your one-way obsession and who constantly spurned you starts acting the way you always wished he would, despite you avoiding him, you’d be confused too.
**Spoiler** I looked up the novel and there’s a lot she didn’t know about him and the whole past situation.
i don’t know how to tell you this, comments section, but people are allowed to want things that don’t make sense and have emotions about it that make even less sense. the line in the sand is letting those emotions hurt the people around you.
FL: [tries to become a better person to improve the lives of the people around her knowing full well she fucked up spectacularly]
you: wow what a loser i will mock you both for how you used to be and for attempting to improve even a little bit because the only thing worse than being a bad person is caring about other people
jesus christ man, get it together
excuse me our fl WAS an incel now she is just a loser
Dont bother me
She basically likes him for his looks and can’t get over him even though, dude would rather kill himself than be with her. Our FL is an incel. We are following an incel
I’m so sorry, I saw Fried and read it as fried chicken > . <
Your_Anxiety attack
@Piscesmoon That was just…… Cringe.
She: Raymond I hate u even tho u care about me😡😡😡
Also she: Theon, you random fcker I’ll worship you til the day you die 🥹💘💕🥰🥰 I wuv u