Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 18
You don't have anything in histories
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I bet these two will be against each other at the competion!
The brother is way too ignorant of how their father treats him vs how he treats her.. he would have at least noticed it.. has he ever even talked to his father about it.
this not good if the prince loss in the tournament he will lose also his face a crown prince.. the god danm father will hate him more
I know the brother is very annoying in the fls eyes and i agree but he honestly and dearly care and love fl, he’s just awfully tone deaf with fl’s situation. I feel like someone just need to explain the whole situation to him (idk if he would understand tho 💀) so he could be more considerate to her
@_karma_ Same here I blame the king
I think its the king’s fault Because if he didn’t pushed away his daughter and only loved his son, she wouldn’t have been jealous of the prince and get so much trauma-
Your_Anxiety attack
I feel like something bad is gonna happen at the next chapter
Toxic rina
I hope the brother won’t stay dumb even if he become the king 🤏🤏
Guys, FL is a reincarnator. Of Course the other kids are gonna look dumb in comparison!
Imagine someone you love goes through a series of traumatic events, and then seemingly isolates themselves somewhere far away. They don’t reply to your letters. Of course you’re going to go check on them when you have the opportunity! With the state he’s seen her in, I’m surprised he’s not more clingy. Yeah, he can’t fix anything, but would you really feel comfortable leaving someone like her alone, even not knowing the whole story?
Also, I feel like we’re all sleeping on Stephan being MVP of this story. He’s her new dad. I’ve decided that now. The trash emperor can rot.
Ngl she pisses me off with this obsession
Theon is just so 😒 He really doesn’t know how to mind his own business.
I really can’t blame the brother too much because at the end of the day he is a child himself.
The siblings have a complicated relationship but i do hope that in the future the brother becomes more aware of how his sister gets treated by their father and does something truly MEANINGFUL to help her out.
The brother is so oblivious to other people, only sees himself and he’s stupid ontop of that so if he gains the throne heäll only be a puppet to some snake that has convinced him he’s trustworthy. He should be removed as soon as the old king dies, she made the right move in the last life, perhaps she could have done some things different but not that.
Yikes nanny you’re giving bad advice to this silly kid.
I understand why yall would think he’s clingy but it’s isn’t his fault, he doesn’t know what his sister is going through and it’s not like Dorothy is going to tell him. He’s just someone who wants to get along with his sister which is completely normal. Especially because Raymond only ever wanted to be close with his sister. I wish Dorothy could try to get along with her brother and also set boundaries
y’all ragging on this boy. sure he’s dumb but he’s literally a child??? they’re supposed to be dumb. they haven’t figured out how to be people yet. it’s a learning process and he’s spent his entire life being adored by everyone. is it any surprise that he doesn’t know how to resolve conflict? he’s never been in conflict with anyone before. who would dare insult him to his face? who would dare admit to hating his guts? let he without cringe memories of being ten years old cast the first stone, and i don’t think it’ll be you, bucko
the brother is annoying
this is why i hate clingy people
Rum Lawrence
Honestly the brothers annoying i absolutely despise clingy people they’re hideous
Her brother lives in a fantasy world😒 your sister is never gonna love u so just move on with your life
Ugh I hope theon isn’t the ML