Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 17
You don't have anything in histories
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bro is rubbing chilli paste at theon’s ass
bro is rubbing chilli paste at then’s ass
little dude flexing xD
this guy lol
Here is the situation, In past like Theon like pink girl, fl liked Theon and Ethan liked Fl and he still like her. And now Theon is interested in her. After seeing the backstory I definitely don’t want him to the ml and below in the comment section someone saying that Theon used her to get close to her brother. And about Ethan backstory I don’t know well. So I’m currently rooting for Ethan. I definitely don’t want that black dude to be ml
The dudes got guts,
I wanna see the triangle
Show me the freaking triangle
So cheeky, I love it.
What a sly cute little fox ~
i find theon more handsome than ethan.
cutie baby is so cheeky 😗
dorothea is an adult but lack of love. someone who lacks of love is so sensitive when she get a little attention from the one she used to love in the past. she lacks of love and she doesn’t realize her mistake that killing raymond that makes theon hate her
Theo I find him weird.
also she’s a grown up was at least in her past life and acts like this every time she sees the kid version of her past love kinda sus
Is he a yandere? Totally my type
He’s a sly.. tbh but yandere vibes are not so bad…I mean Idk
Idkkk I feel like Ethan would be a toxic bf cuz of all the bad stuff he goes through at home. He finally meets someone who is rooting for him…of course he’d not want to lose them so will be sneaky and manipulative in order to keep them by his side longer. He is sweet but he’s been hurt too much already. I am on the wall who I hope she ends up with.
I’m rooting for ya Ethan~