Tyrant wants a better life - Chapter 16
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What I find funny is that, some people think that just because someone loves you and showers you with kindness, you must accept that love and kindness. Some people feel suffocated with the kind of love that Ray shows the princess. Imagine if he was not her brother, but someone else, who is constantly in her face, would that be acceptable? But we think she should accept his ‘kindness’ because he is her brother. We think she is ungrateful of accepting even that small kindness he shows her. Why should she? She literally rejected him to his face so many times but he’s constantly trying to pull her to his pace. So far I haven’t seen him matching her pace. Anyway, I don’t blame Dorothy for her reaction towards him but neither do I hate the brother, frustrating as he is.
Yeah, the father really is to blame in this whole situation. I hope he suffers soon. Trash.
Your_Anxiety attack
I’m blaming the emperor for this
Can the villainess live
Everyone is giving opinion on either how rudely FL is treating her brother or how her brother is being insensible and ignoring her feelings…….
But to be honest…. Isn’t it something their father (the emperor) should be blamed for..
Like really he didn’t care about the FL.. No…. More like he was directly showing his hatred to her
While being totally a good father to her brother….. And the reason was?
I’m just guessing but maybe because their mother (Empress) died, so her blamed FL for it …
And seriously how can he be this ruthless to such a small child
Just like how her brother is a 10 year old, so he shouldn’t be blamed for not knowing exactly how he can help the FL
FL also shouldn’t be blamed for not taking her brother’s kindness…..
Because him being kind to her is just making her feel more miserable…
and with all those years of her life where she suffered and suffered, I don’t think anyone would be able to take the kindness of someone (her brother) who doesn’t even know their father’s hatred.
Spring and Summer
People are seriously blaming too much a 10 years old boy. He is a KID for god’s sake. HE seriously shouldn’t be blamed for anything (so far).
He is so so sweet and if his good intentions don’t reach FL that’s not his problem but FL’s. FL seriously doesn’t deserve his kindness/love and I’m gonna say it but if the story was from his pov then we would sympathize with him more and we would hate FL more.
“Sad childhood doesn’t justify all your actions” isn’t this what we all say to toxic MLs when they are rude or when they did something bad to FLs? Yes, it is. Then we shouldn’t have double standards for this FL. She was a Tyrant, she killed him she did many bad things. Yes, she’s trying to change but I feel people forgive her too easily and are trying to see her only as a “victim”.
FL seriously should have expect he would visit her 🤷🏻♀️ but instead she’s trying to ignore him. She brought this upon herself.
@Yona-chan. Like u said she’s a tyrant. No one really taught her how she to become a good samaritan. She has a thinking of tyrant from the start that’s why she only knew how to do good things from what she observed through other people i guess……
she is constantly in pain… I think she should just stop trying to lead a quiet life this is not actually atoning, if she had more power obviously she could save more people too, but she’s torturing herself, I get that she wants a better life but this is not the only way for that,,, she’s simple minded for a tyrant to the point it’s frustrating
Jeeze, Dorothy is still coming to terms with her regression and figuring out who she is, so she can grow into a better person. Yeah, her brother is a child and has no idea, but her words and body language have clearly indicated her discomfort and he still doesn’t listen?? He might be aware of their respective positions but he’s too naiive to truly grasp the situation (which ultimately was his end). Plus, she’s still trying to process having become a ruthless tyrant who broke the one she loved most. That’s heavy shit. And he’s trying to drag her back into a world, and an ill-dated love, she’s not ready to face. The contrast in this chapter between Dorothy doing something she really wants, making sure she does good deeds in contrast to the past, and helping a dear friend she’s chosen to get close to vs the disaster that was her past exploding in her face just made me sad. I kind of want Ethan to stick up for her, just as she did for him, both being the neglected child. …wow too long
@effie – I would agree with you but the Prince is actually very aware that the Princess can’t stand him. In a rare POV moment from his perspective, he is aware that their parents treat him better and her worse. He is also aware that she doesn’t like him. He doesn’t know about her past with Theon, of course, but that’s the only thing he doesn’t know. He is trying to bond with her and has tried to get their parents to acknowledge her, it’s not working.
Every emberassing, argument moments were witnessed by this Theon. I would just hide myself forever if my bf saw all those moments..
Your brother’s love is suffocating, you could’ve communicated the hell out of your issues together cause he doesn’t know you won’t like it.
It’s like this:
You: At last!
I’m living the best life in this backward country!
Him: I’m gonna go surprise my sister since I didn’t know she hates me and I’ll bring her ex.
I didn’t know she has beef with him in her past life, but since EVERYONE LOVES surprises, I know she’ll be super happy to see me!
Is the brother not really care about her or just fckn dumb?
He never consider her feeling, always forcing his opinion. Understand he wants to have good relationships but it’s been 3 years he used the same failed method to approach her. Jfc just leave her alone if you can’t think of anything better, at least ask her opinion first
Man, I know some people think the fl is dumb but those memories of the guy she had feelings for are still fresh to her. I think if her brother arrived by himself she wouldn’t have acted like that.
The brother was good to her in this life and in the last life, if only she communicated her feelings to him I think he’d be even a better brother instead of just shutting him out. It’s also annoying how she only cares about the feelings of some guy that did her dirty compared to her own brother
She’s not stupid and her brother may love her but he’s insensitive he never takes her feelings into account. He like the nice co-worker who makes brownies get praise and promotion while she’s doing all the work, and is constantly getting wrote up for no reason.
Cuz gurl.. you so stupid honestly..
Your brother from the past loves you and you killed him..
So why not be nice to him since you plan to change for the better anyway..
He could be your life line in the long run..
And you question why you always show your worst side 🤷🏻♀️
i just want fl to have a fluff relationship with her brother yoooo 🥹🥹🥹 i will always feel bad for him