This man …. He can be a villain helper or if the twist come may be he will be the loyal subordinate of real emperor line which the the ceres belongs to
I really like how she’s suspicious of everyone. And I’m so worried about the other employees! And the other members of the 8th unit. I thought this was a fluffy story, wasn’t expecting anyone to die, but now I’m not so sure ☹️ what about the red haired puppy? I forgot his name
Lets asume few things
Ceres and Diarin circumstances are propably unique, she is not just priestess but saintess with incredible magic power. He was captain of this unit if i recal corectly and above all they have feelings for each other (even thou Diarin thinks he dont know what love is and she is scared bo get hurt so she tries not to fall in love with him)
So considering this Ceres have it harder than otheres cause even thou he had her for help on the other hand he was constantly thinking about her safety, so he wasnt capable of fighting with full power. Second propably they were only ones who goes on date during festival and attack on mansions. So on one side they may be safe of arson but on second hand others from 8 unit propably would sense that something is wrong and could hide somewhere. And asuming he was rather important character he propably will survive (this red head one). One thing which im curious is what role will pay this guy who suposed to come to help them (this with bump on head). On first glance i would asume he is some kind of vilian but i think he may be some kind of secret agent who knows that emperor is vilian and he is from some nobles faction,rebeles who want to overthrow emperor and i wouldnt be suprised if it come out that Ceres is crown prince.
I hope Halt will make another appearance~ i miss him~
Oh yes,I am
This man …. He can be a villain helper or if the twist come may be he will be the loyal subordinate of real emperor line which the the ceres belongs to
I really like how she’s suspicious of everyone. And I’m so worried about the other employees! And the other members of the 8th unit. I thought this was a fluffy story, wasn’t expecting anyone to die, but now I’m not so sure ☹️ what about the red haired puppy? I forgot his name
Lets asume few things
Ceres and Diarin circumstances are propably unique, she is not just priestess but saintess with incredible magic power. He was captain of this unit if i recal corectly and above all they have feelings for each other (even thou Diarin thinks he dont know what love is and she is scared bo get hurt so she tries not to fall in love with him)
So considering this Ceres have it harder than otheres cause even thou he had her for help on the other hand he was constantly thinking about her safety, so he wasnt capable of fighting with full power. Second propably they were only ones who goes on date during festival and attack on mansions. So on one side they may be safe of arson but on second hand others from 8 unit propably would sense that something is wrong and could hide somewhere. And asuming he was rather important character he propably will survive (this red head one). One thing which im curious is what role will pay this guy who suposed to come to help them (this with bump on head). On first glance i would asume he is some kind of vilian but i think he may be some kind of secret agent who knows that emperor is vilian and he is from some nobles faction,rebeles who want to overthrow emperor and i wouldnt be suprised if it come out that Ceres is crown prince.