At this point it would be best to just admit it and fall in love, Diarin should raise her head, kiss him,smile at him or at least start crying at say to him that she want to have normal relationship and she likes him. Besides there will be a lot of different plot to resolve, they romanse should be like 50% of story. Him being kidnaped, geting back his position, someone being behind kidnaping and making army from brainwashed kids.
At last ,42 chapters for her to admit she is faling in love with him. Funny thing is he was more understanding than she was thinking. Her thinking thou is stupid…she is priest only to earn money to then give it to her bad,stupid family who only sees her as money making machine for them to waste it and on the other side she forfeits her happines with Ceres knowing he is noble so he propably at least have some domain to earn money from it. And Diarin is in fact smart so she could develop it better to get more money. But she said herself, no thinking, no seeing and no hearing…she chose to be oblivious and waste her life
I love how real this manhwa is.
FL’s concepts of life are so realistic and applicable to contemporary life nowadays…
At this point it would be best to just admit it and fall in love, Diarin should raise her head, kiss him,smile at him or at least start crying at say to him that she want to have normal relationship and she likes him. Besides there will be a lot of different plot to resolve, they romanse should be like 50% of story. Him being kidnaped, geting back his position, someone being behind kidnaping and making army from brainwashed kids.
😂 I loved this episode. It was so cute, funny and romantic
IsekaiTillIDie then live again
Micanix! (´>∀<`)
raise your head YOU FUCKING COWARD
Awwwwwwwwww, I wanna adopt a puppy Ceres 🥰
At last ,42 chapters for her to admit she is faling in love with him. Funny thing is he was more understanding than she was thinking. Her thinking thou is stupid…she is priest only to earn money to then give it to her bad,stupid family who only sees her as money making machine for them to waste it and on the other side she forfeits her happines with Ceres knowing he is noble so he propably at least have some domain to earn money from it. And Diarin is in fact smart so she could develop it better to get more money. But she said herself, no thinking, no seeing and no hearing…she chose to be oblivious and waste her life
Yeeeees yeeeeees please fall more in Love ❤️
Where i can get a ceres 😭he is soooooo gooood ,fine and lovable
You’ll fall ❤️ and there’s no going back from there. 🥰