You propably right but he was alone for few days and didnt kill anyone (propably) and it is posible that he learned a lot during those few days. After all he can learn faster than normal. Who knows what he learned, he could read a book about relationships ,having wife,kids and soo on. Will see next week
Will he tell her that she wont work from now on and she will mistaken it as he would no longer need her service but in fact he was thinking about making her his wife ?
Ur work isn’t over ur gonna stay with him forever!! (◡ ω ◡)
not me crying together with diarin 😭😭😭
I cried a lot because of this. All we need a person who comforts us. 😭
Aww the hug 😊🐶
Our puppy is all grown up
Our puppy has grown up so much
This was soooo good 😊🌸
@Istraa could not agree moreeeee
This was soooo satisying. 😌 it’s exactly what I hoped. But geeze, why is my computer screen so blurry *sniffle*
No I think it’s too much early for that maybe she thinks he is good enough now
You propably right but he was alone for few days and didnt kill anyone (propably) and it is posible that he learned a lot during those few days. After all he can learn faster than normal. Who knows what he learned, he could read a book about relationships ,having wife,kids and soo on. Will see next week
Will he tell her that she wont work from now on and she will mistaken it as he would no longer need her service but in fact he was thinking about making her his wife ?
Literally best manhwa currently airing. Perfect hug ❤️ lovely scene