@FOODISGOOD. no, I do not think you are. An amazing man once said that kinkiness lies only in the eyes seeing it from outside. he said that it matters not what you like as long as you like it and the partner is in agreement to this.
On the other side, I think that we are all happy, these baths of “righteousness” were gut wrenching. I am glad she was humbled.
*sighs* Why do I have butterflies? I have no fking backbone Istg. I’m really sorry to everybody who’s been through any type of SA, nobody deserves this type of treatment.
Samala comfort
Why am I excited 😊 to what is gonna happen next kekekekekeke and why is my mouth open like hmmmmmm
I take back my words saying he reminds me of Aaron Warner.Why tf did I say that??yT_T
@FOODISGOOD. no, I do not think you are. An amazing man once said that kinkiness lies only in the eyes seeing it from outside. he said that it matters not what you like as long as you like it and the partner is in agreement to this.
On the other side, I think that we are all happy, these baths of “righteousness” were gut wrenching. I am glad she was humbled.
She’s a spy so she knew this was coming..
Am i a pervert for enjoying this?
*sighs* Why do I have butterflies? I have no fking backbone Istg. I’m really sorry to everybody who’s been through any type of SA, nobody deserves this type of treatment.