@MexicanMary Both are disgusting equally ML and her fiance as the monachy who’s full of corrupt leaders/officials same with the revelutionary army . Fl was caught in the middle of it which why I feel bad for her.
Yeah both are disgusting. i would venture that a guerilla war would perhaps work better instead of doing things like this. The whole idea of “if you are not with me you are with them” is ludicrous. There are SO many shades of gray it is not funny.
While most of the times revolutions are a “necessary evil” I can’t feel sympathyt for those who “orchestrate” the revolutions, comfortably sitting away from danger as well as those idiots that have the galls to bring children and expect them to “carry on the revolutionary spirit”
I, for one, am glad he caught her. she’s going to be better off either as a mate or dead.
This is my favorite so far
He is more trashy than Zade
Black flag with a hint of green
Do NOT compare WARNER to this black flag. There is zero similarity. He wasn’t a pervert like winston. Warner was a yellow flag 😉
@MexicanMary Both are disgusting equally ML and her fiance as the monachy who’s full of corrupt leaders/officials same with the revelutionary army . Fl was caught in the middle of it which why I feel bad for her.
Yeah both are disgusting. i would venture that a guerilla war would perhaps work better instead of doing things like this. The whole idea of “if you are not with me you are with them” is ludicrous. There are SO many shades of gray it is not funny.
While most of the times revolutions are a “necessary evil” I can’t feel sympathyt for those who “orchestrate” the revolutions, comfortably sitting away from danger as well as those idiots that have the galls to bring children and expect them to “carry on the revolutionary spirit”
I, for one, am glad he caught her. she’s going to be better off either as a mate or dead.
✨Sprinkle Sprinkle✨
They will have kids later!!
@BloodyRegina_86 it’s the Shatter me series
Warner from a book not a manhwa
Aaron Warner? What manhua ? share with me the name 🥲
It’s a crime to compare this thing to Aaron Warner
I don’t know why but he reminds me of Aaron Warner but ofc,Aaron is much greater of a person than him.