ya know, made this comment when i first read this and before i even considered reading the novel.
now at chapter 767 of the novel i can say with absolutely certainty that i accurately portrayed cale’s continued struggles with this single comment
@PsychoPrincess and @Busyplant where can I read this awesome novel?
@Busyplant..ikr!! I’ve also been reading the novel, and it is soooo amazing! Cale is awesome.
Man I came in with my expectations low since I picked it up on a whim but Cale is just the best I love these type of characters 😍
cale: i dont get it, the trashier i act the more people attach themselves to me :/
ya know, made this comment when i first read this and before i even considered reading the novel.
now at chapter 767 of the novel i can say with absolutely certainty that i accurately portrayed cale’s continued struggles with this single comment
mans is just uno reversing his way thru life lmfao