Mmm. No. There are some people who genuinely admire awful behavior because they believe that shows strength and whatnot. That’s why she said “she’s only 15”. Usually you would see it in a young person but sometimes you will see it in an older person. Not someone who’s a masochist (I’m sure you’ve read enough manhwa/manhua/manga to know this isn’t masochistic behavior) but someone who thinks strength comes from being an awful person. Well awful in our eyes.
Remember people beat their slaves are seen as monsters today but was an acceptable behavior.
nope. if shes just going to look down on everyone like this then i dont think I can like this im going to drop it here
FL thinking “when an adult is saying something, you just say yes..and not argue with every detail.” is very boomer of her.
Aditi Khedar
More ┻━┻ミ\(≧ロ≦\)┻━┻ミ\(≧ロ≦\)┻━┻ミ\(≧ロ≦\)┻━┻ミ\(≧ロ≦\)
Is she a masochist ?
Mmm. No. There are some people who genuinely admire awful behavior because they believe that shows strength and whatnot. That’s why she said “she’s only 15”. Usually you would see it in a young person but sometimes you will see it in an older person. Not someone who’s a masochist (I’m sure you’ve read enough manhwa/manhua/manga to know this isn’t masochistic behavior) but someone who thinks strength comes from being an awful person. Well awful in our eyes.
Remember people beat their slaves are seen as monsters today but was an acceptable behavior.