Although statements are good, it may bite their @$$es if they don’t have tangible and solid evidence that clearly states they are the real perpetrators since it can just be brushed-off as mere “propaganda” claiming that they’re just aiming to tarnish the Order of Truth’s reputation.
How about they announce it that the order of truth is the one making mayhems in the world and killing the heroes so they will have limited place to go, they’ve dealt the Italian hero, almost killed the healer of the hero party and not to mention, this is the second time they’ve attacked the magic hero.
So motherfucker can’t take care of shit a d leave everything for later, just shut your fucking mouth and hit them instead of talking
Although statements are good, it may bite their @$$es if they don’t have tangible and solid evidence that clearly states they are the real perpetrators since it can just be brushed-off as mere “propaganda” claiming that they’re just aiming to tarnish the Order of Truth’s reputation.
How about they announce it that the order of truth is the one making mayhems in the world and killing the heroes so they will have limited place to go, they’ve dealt the Italian hero, almost killed the healer of the hero party and not to mention, this is the second time they’ve attacked the magic hero.