nooooo Jakiya 😭😭 girl he ain’t even all that, you deserve someone who love you & see you for who you are, and bruh what is this FL? I though she mentioned she had many admires so is it really a mystery for her, that Behi weirdo is into her, which man chases after you, use his divine power, hugs you, care about you, keep you this way, have that kind of gaze & body language bruh pathetic I thought author tried making her smart but this is what I get 😩? everyone aside from you knows it’s not even that big of a mystery. Nah with time this is going downhill how long it’ll drag 😩
nooooo Jakiya 😭😭 girl he ain’t even all that, you deserve someone who love you & see you for who you are, and bruh what is this FL? I though she mentioned she had many admires so is it really a mystery for her, that Behi weirdo is into her, which man chases after you, use his divine power, hugs you, care about you, keep you this way, have that kind of gaze & body language bruh pathetic I thought author tried making her smart but this is what I get 😩? everyone aside from you knows it’s not even that big of a mystery. Nah with time this is going downhill how long it’ll drag 😩