she’s kind of stupid, pretty lucky to travel the world with that kind of IQ….. what if these men happen to be bad ones? trying to charm someone with looks? does she want to get in grave trouble? someone smack some sense into her….. there are many people who’d try to violate a woman even if she does not look good…..
Why have this site started having porn ad pop up while reading manga??? It’s so irritating 😡😤 @harimanga do something about it????
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she’s kind of stupid, pretty lucky to travel the world with that kind of IQ….. what if these men happen to be bad ones? trying to charm someone with looks? does she want to get in grave trouble? someone smack some sense into her….. there are many people who’d try to violate a woman even if she does not look good…..
Lets see how this goes..
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My soul cringed when she said he can’t kill her bc of her beauty like wtf was thattttt
oh dear ☠️☠️
can’t escape those ruby eyes