Hey does anyone know who that knight/bodyguard guys is? I mean she always seems to be by her side and helped her in more than one occasion so far
Like in that Cafe scene I am pretty sure he was the one who blocked off the view, aaand he even gave her a thumbs up
Then in this chapter he didn’t hesitate to point the sword at the garbage men,Iike at all he was just there right on cue
Now in the last panel he was standing right next to everyone
Who is he?
he seems very loyal to her
I realy hope they say something soon and don’t just forget to write him a story or at least a line
Cuz it looks like he deserves it
Tho that is only my opinion
Unless someone else thinks so to
He is just a knight who is a commoner who happens to be handsome so he doesn’t get to go to parties he has to do actual knight duties. Knights are technically nobility but a knight from say a low baron is still a noble and a knight from a common background is technically noblilty but he isn’t respected. So the reason why he is always around is because he is doing the job of a knight but can’t really get the perks from his technical nobility.
Now that you mention it he do look like an adult in his leopard form ,can’t curse at him for being SUS
@atatata but atleast xavi is cute
xavi is too big for a kid in his leopard form
That fan of hers is practically a weapon
lol some boys gonna loses their tongues
I’m sorry but I want the knight blue shirt 🗿💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻 it’s so 😍😍😍
She has the best people
Shadow fire opal
Hey does anyone know who that knight/bodyguard guys is? I mean she always seems to be by her side and helped her in more than one occasion so far
Like in that Cafe scene I am pretty sure he was the one who blocked off the view, aaand he even gave her a thumbs up
Then in this chapter he didn’t hesitate to point the sword at the garbage men,Iike at all he was just there right on cue
Now in the last panel he was standing right next to everyone
Who is he?
he seems very loyal to her
I realy hope they say something soon and don’t just forget to write him a story or at least a line
Cuz it looks like he deserves it
Tho that is only my opinion
Unless someone else thinks so to
He is just a knight who is a commoner who happens to be handsome so he doesn’t get to go to parties he has to do actual knight duties. Knights are technically nobility but a knight from say a low baron is still a noble and a knight from a common background is technically noblilty but he isn’t respected. So the reason why he is always around is because he is doing the job of a knight but can’t really get the perks from his technical nobility.
sooo cute