This story is about political intrigue and revenge people. Don’t expect there to be ‘good guys’. They’re villians and those who uphold their duty even at great personal sacrifice.
Is nobody going to comment on how one of the supposedly “good guys” is perfectly willing to have her two sons get their hands cut off and then left to get killed and eaten by animals alone in a forest? Sure, she is doing it to save her kingdom and she is doing it for the citizens… but when I mother is willing to have her two children executed and in such a gruesome way… that does not exactly make her a character that we can cheer for.
This story is about political intrigue and revenge people. Don’t expect there to be ‘good guys’. They’re villians and those who uphold their duty even at great personal sacrifice.
Is nobody going to comment on how one of the supposedly “good guys” is perfectly willing to have her two sons get their hands cut off and then left to get killed and eaten by animals alone in a forest? Sure, she is doing it to save her kingdom and she is doing it for the citizens… but when I mother is willing to have her two children executed and in such a gruesome way… that does not exactly make her a character that we can cheer for.
Gotta live her cunning and swift might.
Like seriously there’s no point in our girl visiting the parade to see her dad they both hate each other so what’s the point of going🥱
Girl’s aboutta start the industrial Revolution