Why are commenters defending him for his previous actions like they were nothing more than misunderstandings (they were not) and now are saying she is almost traumatizing him? He is 8 not frocking 3? Just because he was drawn like that doesn’t change his age? He’s acting truly immature for his age and she haven’t said anything a 8yo couldn’t handle. Not to mention SHE DOESN’T OWE HIM ANYTHING. She is already helping him enough. Just because she doesn’t fulfill his every frocking wish doesn’t mean she’s traumatizing him. Also, it’s he that seems to not understand what “no” means. He is entitled brat who needs some discipline
So we all know Leoni manipulated evidence however, from a legal pov taking the 2nd prince’s castle and sentencing people to death based on circumstantial evidence (the sold jewelry found at the market – by whom and in what conditions?) is far too harsh and rather absurd. Whatever!
You’re all fucking morons. Stop reading since you clearly can’t understand what’s happening. Leoni DOESNT OWE THEM ANYTHING. Stupid fucking idiots. You’re so self righteous, it’s pathetic. Don’t read a revenge manga if you can’t handle revenge that’s the whole point of this fucking story. Fucking dumbasses
When did he ever abuse her? Are you talking about how he told her that he wouldn’t force himself on her, and instead wait until she actually wanted to sleep with him? Yes, truly what a horrible monster he was. 🙄
How is it odd? She wants to take revenge on people for something they haven’t even done yet. She has even mused on how it would trouble her if the people she wants to make suffer, would actually become better people this time around. Leoni does not want to help anyone or make things better, she just wants revenge. This is why she does nothing to help her own sister, because if she actually did she could actually help the little girl and stop her from become a bad person. This however shows us that Leoni herself is a bad person. No, in fact she is human garbage.
Ah! It’s my pal, @AArtsy ^w^
Yeah, it’s odd that she has such trouble separating this little boy from his grown self, especially since she never knew him as a child in her last life. She’s an adult but this is the one thing she doesn’t act mature about (she was able to put aside her hatred of her step-mother and sister to engineer a more terrible downfall for them, and her father so that she could bring everything he loves to ruin later, but she can’t face her husband?)
How awfully immature and totally uncharacteristic of a +30 years old lady to act like that towards an eight years old!!!! Unless you have a serious problem with your mind, you would know not to scar such a kid with such a painful history any further!
He is an eight years old thorough and thorough.
He IS NOT the person you used to know!!
Any of us would understand that the moment put ourselves in her shoes and see OBJECTIVELY! There is no way in heaven and hell one with a sane mind would not understand.
Not to mention how she is always wise and observant, making meticulous calculations and spot-on judgement.
Its so very out-of-character of her to react like that.
This part here is clearly the author’s fault. S/he clearly lacks insight when it comes to a character’s functions, and more precisely the human mind/psyche and emotional functions in deferent ages and demographics.
@Leileyani I don’t think he abused her?
It seems like he emotionally neglected her / treated her a bit coldly during their marriage. Plus her (lying scheming) sister said he betrayed her and wanted to marry her instead but why would we (or FL) trust her word??? Seriously, why did FL just believe her?
(I’m not saying emotional abuse isn’t abuse,but from what we saw it seems like he just never opened up to her)
From my point of view, I cannot understand the love for Rutger. We’ve so far only seen things from Leoni’s point of view and with that information, the fact that she even decided to help him was surprising to me. To expect her, at this point, to simply accept Rutger would be weird. Also, they’re just kids now, I love how the story’s progressing, without forcing romance into it.
Um… you guys who feel sorry for the Prince DO remember that he abused Leoni before, right? Yes, his story was tragic, however, that doesn’t excuse what he did. Leoni doesn’t have to forgive him. She did something nice for him by freeing him from his abusive guardians. That’s more than enough.
Why are commenters defending him for his previous actions like they were nothing more than misunderstandings (they were not) and now are saying she is almost traumatizing him? He is 8 not frocking 3? Just because he was drawn like that doesn’t change his age? He’s acting truly immature for his age and she haven’t said anything a 8yo couldn’t handle. Not to mention SHE DOESN’T OWE HIM ANYTHING. She is already helping him enough. Just because she doesn’t fulfill his every frocking wish doesn’t mean she’s traumatizing him. Also, it’s he that seems to not understand what “no” means. He is entitled brat who needs some discipline
So we all know Leoni manipulated evidence however, from a legal pov taking the 2nd prince’s castle and sentencing people to death based on circumstantial evidence (the sold jewelry found at the market – by whom and in what conditions?) is far too harsh and rather absurd. Whatever!
This chapter was very satisfying. The story is so well written
You’re all fucking morons. Stop reading since you clearly can’t understand what’s happening. Leoni DOESNT OWE THEM ANYTHING. Stupid fucking idiots. You’re so self righteous, it’s pathetic. Don’t read a revenge manga if you can’t handle revenge that’s the whole point of this fucking story. Fucking dumbasses
When did he ever abuse her? Are you talking about how he told her that he wouldn’t force himself on her, and instead wait until she actually wanted to sleep with him? Yes, truly what a horrible monster he was. 🙄
How is it odd? She wants to take revenge on people for something they haven’t even done yet. She has even mused on how it would trouble her if the people she wants to make suffer, would actually become better people this time around. Leoni does not want to help anyone or make things better, she just wants revenge. This is why she does nothing to help her own sister, because if she actually did she could actually help the little girl and stop her from become a bad person. This however shows us that Leoni herself is a bad person. No, in fact she is human garbage.
Ah! It’s my pal, @AArtsy ^w^
Yeah, it’s odd that she has such trouble separating this little boy from his grown self, especially since she never knew him as a child in her last life. She’s an adult but this is the one thing she doesn’t act mature about (she was able to put aside her hatred of her step-mother and sister to engineer a more terrible downfall for them, and her father so that she could bring everything he loves to ruin later, but she can’t face her husband?)
How awfully immature and totally uncharacteristic of a +30 years old lady to act like that towards an eight years old!!!! Unless you have a serious problem with your mind, you would know not to scar such a kid with such a painful history any further!
He is an eight years old thorough and thorough.
He IS NOT the person you used to know!!
Any of us would understand that the moment put ourselves in her shoes and see OBJECTIVELY! There is no way in heaven and hell one with a sane mind would not understand.
Not to mention how she is always wise and observant, making meticulous calculations and spot-on judgement.
Its so very out-of-character of her to react like that.
This part here is clearly the author’s fault. S/he clearly lacks insight when it comes to a character’s functions, and more precisely the human mind/psyche and emotional functions in deferent ages and demographics.
@Leileyani I don’t think he abused her?
It seems like he emotionally neglected her / treated her a bit coldly during their marriage. Plus her (lying scheming) sister said he betrayed her and wanted to marry her instead but why would we (or FL) trust her word??? Seriously, why did FL just believe her?
(I’m not saying emotional abuse isn’t abuse,but from what we saw it seems like he just never opened up to her)
From my point of view, I cannot understand the love for Rutger. We’ve so far only seen things from Leoni’s point of view and with that information, the fact that she even decided to help him was surprising to me. To expect her, at this point, to simply accept Rutger would be weird. Also, they’re just kids now, I love how the story’s progressing, without forcing romance into it.
Um… you guys who feel sorry for the Prince DO remember that he abused Leoni before, right? Yes, his story was tragic, however, that doesn’t excuse what he did. Leoni doesn’t have to forgive him. She did something nice for him by freeing him from his abusive guardians. That’s more than enough.
rutger baby … she will turn a leaf just be patient leoni will come back to you 🥺
“I’m coming for you” Hell yeah
Izumi Miyamura
bro I searched up scaphism before I even saw the explanation and bro, it’s rough
I feel sad for poor baby but she has a point
Mighty Phoenix
From her point of view, it’s the best for her
My poor baby 🥺🥲🥲🥲🥺🥺🥺