@MichiCu20 yeah I second it! Also from the spoilers:
he has low self esteem issues BC of his background nd all so he wanted to wait till he becomes worthy of fl but before all that can happen Shirin swooped in and shit happened 🤷
Come to think of it if Future Rutger loved Leoni then he needed power to protect her meaning he had to take over the kingdom,Guidon and sherin likely wanted to use him but he refused therefore when he was away they plotted to finish off Leoni ,By the time he returned and wanted to save her she had already decided returned to the past😭🤧🥹.This is just an Assumption.
I believe because of his experiences in the past he was unable to express feelings or himself in genral. That’s why he was misunderstood and it’s reasonable
I hope we can see an interesting developmnet in their relationship!
Ugh my heart… Are you going to let it slide yet again, you OP little protagonist?!
bitin ses
waiting …. 🥺🥺🥺
The story is so interesting. I can’t wait for new chapters …
This is good!! I can not wait to see them together again (I hope).
Ty for the update, and please continue updating!
@MichiCu20 yeah I second it! Also from the spoilers:
he has low self esteem issues BC of his background nd all so he wanted to wait till he becomes worthy of fl but before all that can happen Shirin swooped in and shit happened 🤷
Come to think of it if Future Rutger loved Leoni then he needed power to protect her meaning he had to take over the kingdom,Guidon and sherin likely wanted to use him but he refused therefore when he was away they plotted to finish off Leoni ,By the time he returned and wanted to save her she had already decided returned to the past😭🤧🥹.This is just an Assumption.
I need more😭 Thank you for the mass update❣️
I believe because of his experiences in the past he was unable to express feelings or himself in genral. That’s why he was misunderstood and it’s reasonable
I hope we can see an interesting developmnet in their relationship!
Please show us you truly love her and that you are kind just misunderstood
100% sure, he was very kind to her but didn’t decide to show it or maybe late?
My baby Rutger 😭😭😭