@Kane55 No one can simply ‘imagine’ how a torture feels like until they go through it with all their body and soul.
Thats how we are basically UNABLE to judge such people.
All we have is a bunch of assumptions and some feelings produced by those assumptions.
And we judge by that!! How admirable is that?!
I understand your hurt feelings my dear, yet unless one goes through the exact same thing he/she could never really understand.
Whats even worse is, every type of psyche/character and various psychological capacities react differently in the same situation!!!!
Meaning, even if we go through the exact same ordeal we still cannot claim that we KNOW what that particular individual has gone though!!!!!
Terrible isn’t it?!
Its okay if we express our opinions and all, however ONLY if we acknowledge our inherent shortcoming in understanding another human’s feelings/situation before that.
If we too were as wise as the great sages in history, we would have come to this conclusion as well that ‘To judge another is the most difficult deed ever for a human being’!!
I’m gonna say it..f* the mother too.
The only reason her child is able to understand and sympathize with her emotions is because she is mentally not a child…imagine being told this by your own mother…in fact, the lived through it already.
The child, and both parents were victims, they were literally forced to another one for the sole purpose of the creation of a valuable offspring.
The thing that is horrible is the way that they both reacted with the situation. Him regarding his wife less than human, no decency whatsoever…but I understand his hatred.
Her childlike naïvety knowing that both families have ANCIENT history of hatred, expecting love and disregarding her own blood and flesh child when her expectations were not met.
Yep you heard her right. Go and prepare!
This is first time I have seen someone so calmly commanding for funeral only after a few minutes of her mother death.
It’s good that they gave us a background story in start
What a jerk of all trade! One with most dowry!?! I hope you regret it so much!
Whats wrong with people in the comment section, they look sadistic
@AArtsy Judging is also a human act, judging with common sense is valid
Shitty father
Josh Thankgosh
Period!!! Keep it coming
I actually felt like crying here🥲
This hurts
@Kane55 No one can simply ‘imagine’ how a torture feels like until they go through it with all their body and soul.
Thats how we are basically UNABLE to judge such people.
All we have is a bunch of assumptions and some feelings produced by those assumptions.
And we judge by that!! How admirable is that?!
I understand your hurt feelings my dear, yet unless one goes through the exact same thing he/she could never really understand.
Whats even worse is, every type of psyche/character and various psychological capacities react differently in the same situation!!!!
Meaning, even if we go through the exact same ordeal we still cannot claim that we KNOW what that particular individual has gone though!!!!!
Terrible isn’t it?!
Its okay if we express our opinions and all, however ONLY if we acknowledge our inherent shortcoming in understanding another human’s feelings/situation before that.
If we too were as wise as the great sages in history, we would have come to this conclusion as well that ‘To judge another is the most difficult deed ever for a human being’!!
I’m gonna say it..f* the mother too.
The only reason her child is able to understand and sympathize with her emotions is because she is mentally not a child…imagine being told this by your own mother…in fact, the lived through it already.
The child, and both parents were victims, they were literally forced to another one for the sole purpose of the creation of a valuable offspring.
The thing that is horrible is the way that they both reacted with the situation. Him regarding his wife less than human, no decency whatsoever…but I understand his hatred.
Her childlike naïvety knowing that both families have ANCIENT history of hatred, expecting love and disregarding her own blood and flesh child when her expectations were not met.
Off whit his head and feed it to the crows!
Make him suffer greatly the poor mother I have mixed feeling for her but yeah
Yep you heard her right. Go and prepare!
This is first time I have seen someone so calmly commanding for funeral only after a few minutes of her mother death.