Paranoid hurt… she was bound to be miserable… sad for the mom.. I know the kids not at fault but to give love to her wyd have proved to be painful for her
I completely understand the mom’s perspective I mean it’s not that she doesn’t want to love her child but rather she’s too traumatized to bring herself to.
Weren’t the mother’s eyes brown in the flashback? plus, she mentioned her daughter’s green eyes resembled her father – and yet now her eyes are green too?
And here I thought that this was the love story of the mother and she travelled back in time.. That’s what I get for not reading tjr synopsis.. but tjen I am a sucker for silber-haired dudes
Paranoid hurt… she was bound to be miserable… sad for the mom.. I know the kids not at fault but to give love to her wyd have proved to be painful for her
I completely understand the mom’s perspective I mean it’s not that she doesn’t want to love her child but rather she’s too traumatized to bring herself to.
What a r@pist of a trash. Poor the mother and child
Mysterio simp
Her father is h hhoooorrrirrrbile
Josh Thankgosh
Yesss!!! Give more pain and hatred. Ooooo! It just makes things more spicy for me. Ain’t that right🔥
He deserves the worst
Story seems interesting… 😳😳😳
I hope he actually does despair
Liking this already. Make that bastard father suffer
Yes it that father fault he destroyed that poor mother it’s all his fault destroy him and make him suffer dying is to mercy for someone like him
Weren’t the mother’s eyes brown in the flashback? plus, she mentioned her daughter’s green eyes resembled her father – and yet now her eyes are green too?
And here I thought that this was the love story of the mother and she travelled back in time.. That’s what I get for not reading tjr synopsis.. but tjen I am a sucker for silber-haired dudes
Dark star
My God yes revenge
I hate that bastrad father scumbag