Geez.. no wonder why the marmarcs attacked first, they’re probably sick and tired of being hunted and killed due to humans’ greed. I’d be pretty pissed too
Yep, I friggin knew it. This empire of humans hunt and harvest Marmarcs for material. They justify it by spreading propaganda that Marmarcs are savages but considering they agreed to a peace treating with the empire, I’d say they’re incredibly naive. coz who tf would believe the humans would honor the peace treating when they didnt view them as living beings in the first place?
Geez.. no wonder why the marmarcs attacked first, they’re probably sick and tired of being hunted and killed due to humans’ greed. I’d be pretty pissed too
Yep, I friggin knew it. This empire of humans hunt and harvest Marmarcs for material. They justify it by spreading propaganda that Marmarcs are savages but considering they agreed to a peace treating with the empire, I’d say they’re incredibly naive. coz who tf would believe the humans would honor the peace treating when they didnt view them as living beings in the first place?