“Why is she so upset over an ex” you know this isn’t like years of her dealing with this it’s weeks or a month she is likely more raw from the experience which is why she hasn’t “moved on” immediately.
@Hime.28 idk about you but to me you’re the disgusting one for being so callous. It’s easy for you to say that since you’ll never have to experience something like that. Normal ppl don’t get over their feelings overnight, especially when you got cheated on
@Hime.28 I hope you never have to go through what she went through. It’s not easy to move on when everything she was grappling on for life is the very thing that killed her
Call me maybe
Devil’s like him deserve to jump into s dump and roll in manure
Why did Sion’s assistant(forgot his name) even persuade her to go out
@Marrika thankyou for being realistic unlike others
“Why is she so upset over an ex” you know this isn’t like years of her dealing with this it’s weeks or a month she is likely more raw from the experience which is why she hasn’t “moved on” immediately.
Villainess is being made to more badass bitch 👿😈
She is stupid, i think we need a better female lead
Hime.28 out here thinking she’s a badass bitch 💀
@Hime.28 idk about you but to me you’re the disgusting one for being so callous. It’s easy for you to say that since you’ll never have to experience something like that. Normal ppl don’t get over their feelings overnight, especially when you got cheated on
I Cant_Sleep
@Hime.28 I hope you never have to go through what she went through. It’s not easy to move on when everything she was grappling on for life is the very thing that killed her
I’m disgusted with her reaction. She should know by now. Stop being a damsel and be badass bitch
I wanna smack them all 🤬🤬 it seems that vandall guy isn’t so bad though