I think at the end she will end up either with the prince or she will end up staying alone. Cause after divorce she needs money and power that the blacky knight can’t provide her except the prince. The knight can only give her his body and heart nothing else. Also I think the knight warned her for not to fall for the prince cause after that the prince won’t let her go . At the end it’s just my opinion don’t take it seriously………..
@MiscMech — People have different responses to trauma. Some people react to assault with displays of hypersexuality; it can let you reclaim sense of agency/overwrite associations/redefine the activity for yourself. While this can sometimes go to unhealthy extremes, it’s actually often a healthy coping mechanism that works for some people to heal!
I think at the end she will end up either with the prince or she will end up staying alone. Cause after divorce she needs money and power that the blacky knight can’t provide her except the prince. The knight can only give her his body and heart nothing else. Also I think the knight warned her for not to fall for the prince cause after that the prince won’t let her go . At the end it’s just my opinion don’t take it seriously………..
Dear God, he’s selfless af. Idc, he’s the ML. No one can tell me different XD
@MiscMech — People have different responses to trauma. Some people react to assault with displays of hypersexuality; it can let you reclaim sense of agency/overwrite associations/redefine the activity for yourself. While this can sometimes go to unhealthy extremes, it’s actually often a healthy coping mechanism that works for some people to heal!
can i use u too?
… Does nearly being assaulted get her hot and bothered???
What’s wrong with him????
Can’t say I dislike it though…
Thats hot