@Laberratia LMAOOOO the way u worded it is so funny. I think it’s bcz they dk how to draw oversized fits, a lot of people struggle with that at times and their anatomy skills are great or are you just throwing random words out lol💀🙏
No i really want tk say that, but english js not my native language 😭
The problem is that the artist try to fuse the anatomy of the ML into the oversized shirt, you can notice that by his shoulders, sadly. The art is not ugly, is just that in this chapter is way more visible that something went wrong.
Wtf in the beggining of the chapter, why the Blonde looks like a ultra-wide skeleton!? Lololol
Looks horrible, and then he comes back to normal in other panels!??! Man that’s not how style or anatomy works, there was no one to help or tell the artist?!? 😭
@Nymphianna it’s not..?
The art is changing
@Laberratia LMAOOOO the way u worded it is so funny. I think it’s bcz they dk how to draw oversized fits, a lot of people struggle with that at times and their anatomy skills are great or are you just throwing random words out lol💀🙏
No i really want tk say that, but english js not my native language 😭
The problem is that the artist try to fuse the anatomy of the ML into the oversized shirt, you can notice that by his shoulders, sadly. The art is not ugly, is just that in this chapter is way more visible that something went wrong.
Wtf in the beggining of the chapter, why the Blonde looks like a ultra-wide skeleton!? Lololol
Looks horrible, and then he comes back to normal in other panels!??! Man that’s not how style or anatomy works, there was no one to help or tell the artist?!? 😭