This Time, I Will Avoid This Marriage- a Method to Part Ways With You, Who Lacks Love - Chapter 3

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I Cant_Sleep
Guys, this is my opinion, but I feel like we should give ml a chance, ahem!! I’m not saying it’s not his fault the bastard is 100%guilty, but we all can’t ignore the fact the ml truly loves her. It’s not like he cheated on her or killed her intentionally, he was just being careless and maybe this time, he’ll be more careful and proactive in protecting fl. Cus, honestly I’m upset at the guy but even I can’t deny that he loves her from what I’ve seen so far, so before we know the whole story, let’s try to keep a less closed mind
@Cravity so true!! It’s mostly like that and it’s honestly getting on my nerves. I need something new….
Fls always say that but ends up falling for the ml who ruined their past life
Cool she looks like a fragile boss so what you need girl is power behind the scenes! Get yourself a guild and strong reliable man!