That’s the right question, sir, I don’t understand why she forgot about timeloops too😑 well, if he needs to change his behavior, may be he needs to prevent meeting with bish Yuna? And may be even change the apartment he is living in (bc DoHee didn’t like Yuna lived there)🤔 just hope he will not try to avoid her for 2 months🥹
Bora-Bora 7
i hate you author nim for this , my heart aches reading this
Ahhhhhh this author played us…..its too painful to watch
I still HATE you author….
Lime Tea
That’s the right question, sir, I don’t understand why she forgot about timeloops too😑 well, if he needs to change his behavior, may be he needs to prevent meeting with bish Yuna? And may be even change the apartment he is living in (bc DoHee didn’t like Yuna lived there)🤔 just hope he will not try to avoid her for 2 months🥹
Ughhh this is frustrating