Man….I should just drop this series. So much suicidal crap and then the misunderstandings are horrid. Along with self loathing and pity. But then I feel bitter I have wasted 92 chapters to it and might as well finish it completely. *Sighss* I so hoped it got better after the magic was resolved and the Duke died but it’s getting worse. :((((
Bruh why would he think dying would make her feel better. It would just make her live in guilt, as If she hasn’t already suffered enough. Her mother literally killed herself for her and now he’s doing the same. Be fr
He’s so unlikable to me that I can’t feel bad for him no matter how much I try and I’m really really trying
Honestly I can kind of understand from his pov that he was just another victim and ignorant but it does not make him look any better or pitiful… for me at least it does not
Still.. I don’t want him to die ofc and ik he will not so this chap was just another sip of depression
Also, she hit the poison out of his hands… he clearly had “some”, even blood coming out of his mouth immediately, but I gots to say, her “slapping” him is sending some mix vibes. Kind of “kicks a man when he’s down” too far… just saying, doesn’t send the right message. But if he’s actually dying, hope she can forgive him and he’s says sorry and gets peace. Would be a fresh ending Ngl
Man….I should just drop this series. So much suicidal crap and then the misunderstandings are horrid. Along with self loathing and pity. But then I feel bitter I have wasted 92 chapters to it and might as well finish it completely. *Sighss* I so hoped it got better after the magic was resolved and the Duke died but it’s getting worse. :((((
Bruuuuh the plot goes in circle
Either kill yourself or get over it wtfff
Bruh why would he think dying would make her feel better. It would just make her live in guilt, as If she hasn’t already suffered enough. Her mother literally killed herself for her and now he’s doing the same. Be fr
It’s good that the line a wind on a dry branch provided me the much needed to not be frustrated with this manhwa
Honestly at this point the only person I feel bad for Ahsel. I hope he has a good end. The other two are tiring me out
He’s so unlikable to me that I can’t feel bad for him no matter how much I try and I’m really really trying
Honestly I can kind of understand from his pov that he was just another victim and ignorant but it does not make him look any better or pitiful… for me at least it does not
Still.. I don’t want him to die ofc and ik he will not so this chap was just another sip of depression
Also, she hit the poison out of his hands… he clearly had “some”, even blood coming out of his mouth immediately, but I gots to say, her “slapping” him is sending some mix vibes. Kind of “kicks a man when he’s down” too far… just saying, doesn’t send the right message. But if he’s actually dying, hope she can forgive him and he’s says sorry and gets peace. Would be a fresh ending Ngl
Well at least she got closure so she can move on…
I feel bad for both 😔