She told him more than she told Karloi. Honestly I don’t Karloi. He would have known more had she told him atleastas much as she has told this knight. I don’t blame her too much either. Although she could have been more forthcoming her range of thought is as small as Karloi’s.
A few chapters to know her true identity. That damned wizard will die and spell will be broken sorry for spoiler but it really boiled my blood to read until now all the harm on her
Finally!!! SOMEONE WHO CAN READ BET. THE LINES. Karloi is seriously so dumb fromhis delusions it’s annoying. But look at me still looking forward to this story. Authors’s really great at keeping my blood boiling for ML.
Bros smarter than the mf ml
She told him more than she told Karloi. Honestly I don’t Karloi. He would have known more had she told him atleastas much as she has told this knight. I don’t blame her too much either. Although she could have been more forthcoming her range of thought is as small as Karloi’s.
A few chapters to know her true identity. That damned wizard will die and spell will be broken sorry for spoiler but it really boiled my blood to read until now all the harm on her
Ding ding ding! Bingo! You’ve won the prize for finally catching on.
wow this knight. is he a psychologist or a mind reader perhaps, he was able to get all of that when just talking to her. King is dumb as hell
At lastttttttttttttt GOSH this was damn frustrating x_x
This knight is awesome! He’s the only one who can understand and catch things logically.
Finally!!! SOMEONE WHO CAN READ BET. THE LINES. Karloi is seriously so dumb fromhis delusions it’s annoying. But look at me still looking forward to this story. Authors’s really great at keeping my blood boiling for ML.
Look at this knight! He is more than logical than the king! He is fast to catch things!!!
I can’t wait the chapter where the King knows the truth. The table will turn, Your Majesty