He propably means he will die, i asume there may be a war with the demons later on, loreina mother is propably some kind of pure blood demon im guesing ? Anyway i wouldnt be much suprised if now will be some kind of time skip because Siena will fall in some kind of hibernation state.
Is the duke gonna die?
I’m assuming Lorena passed away and her Mother made a deal with a demon to bring her back. So the demon took over Lorena’s body as part of the deal.
I hope he duke doesn’t die 😭😭🥺🥺
i wonder when the villain actually appears
Loreina mother is propably some kind of demon and loreina is half demon or something similar. They are vilians. Mayby there is someone above them.
Ugliest king dokja
How does it end for him? 👀
He propably means he will die, i asume there may be a war with the demons later on, loreina mother is propably some kind of pure blood demon im guesing ? Anyway i wouldnt be much suprised if now will be some kind of time skip because Siena will fall in some kind of hibernation state.
He is and he will continue so, it’s sad to know how it ends for him :(((