people are talking about how the ML looks like a 30 years old man, AND I AGREE but also we can’t forget that at the beggining the Fl was 11 and mickel (don’t remember his name) was 10 and she was still smaller than him. So I think the FL is still growing and the artist is just trying to show how she didn’t receive the nutritcion and etc…. needed. in a very “dramatic” way (idk the best word for that)
I think artist get some imput from readers that he is making Aciel looking to old , i cheacked around chapter 40 (where there was this fire monster and she infuse her magic into his arrow, he looked younger there and this was like few months ago in manga) . Anyway i understand Aciel feelings, he have some slight memories from previous time line but they are shatered and confusing because of that, on the other hand emotions from this time are full and realy strong. He loved Siena, Siena loved him but due to antagonist and propably her mother (what we seen few chapters ago) plot and mind control he couldnt protect Siena and lost her. Now things are different but due to fact that he have all emotions from this time and only partial flashbacks from this time he is realy confused and have trouble understanding this. Good thing is he is geting resolve that he must protect Siena no mater what so hopefully they relationship will start to develop properly
Im just hoping that he’s the ml as in protective older brother and that the love interest will be someone closer to her appearance in age.
Miss Baguette
people are talking about how the ML looks like a 30 years old man, AND I AGREE but also we can’t forget that at the beggining the Fl was 11 and mickel (don’t remember his name) was 10 and she was still smaller than him. So I think the FL is still growing and the artist is just trying to show how she didn’t receive the nutritcion and etc…. needed. in a very “dramatic” way (idk the best word for that)
You may be right, this is posible that he is just showing how famished she was at the beginning.
I think artist get some imput from readers that he is making Aciel looking to old , i cheacked around chapter 40 (where there was this fire monster and she infuse her magic into his arrow, he looked younger there and this was like few months ago in manga) . Anyway i understand Aciel feelings, he have some slight memories from previous time line but they are shatered and confusing because of that, on the other hand emotions from this time are full and realy strong. He loved Siena, Siena loved him but due to antagonist and propably her mother (what we seen few chapters ago) plot and mind control he couldnt protect Siena and lost her. Now things are different but due to fact that he have all emotions from this time and only partial flashbacks from this time he is realy confused and have trouble understanding this. Good thing is he is geting resolve that he must protect Siena no mater what so hopefully they relationship will start to develop properly