They mentioned it only once a few chapters before but what if Bunni is one of the Emporer’s children? She said in passing that the Emporer was lecherous and had many children floating about, her being one of those children would explain why she looks so much like the Duke’s family(For anyone lost by that statement, the Emporer and the Duke are brothers). Also, what if instead of losing all her holy powers, that lady absorbed all the dark magic and is possessed by it? Also also, when is our girl gonna save her prince, this is only chapter 17 and there is so much information and shit that needs saving.
They mentioned it only once a few chapters before but what if Bunni is one of the Emporer’s children? She said in passing that the Emporer was lecherous and had many children floating about, her being one of those children would explain why she looks so much like the Duke’s family(For anyone lost by that statement, the Emporer and the Duke are brothers). Also, what if instead of losing all her holy powers, that lady absorbed all the dark magic and is possessed by it? Also also, when is our girl gonna save her prince, this is only chapter 17 and there is so much information and shit that needs saving.