alinesete Women are mean >:C I don’t understand everything they do so they are evil >:C January 9, 2023 at 12:27 pm Log in to Reply
Reader is L Was it just on my end or did i just try to read tossed salad with extra gravy for dressing? 🤣 I’ll try the next chapter maybe the order and dialogue wont be as jumbled. 😅 January 3, 2023 at 1:23 pm Log in to Reply
So, he’s scared of women and homoafetive
Women are mean >:C I don’t understand everything they do so they are evil >:C
Reader is L
Was it just on my end or did i just try to read tossed salad with extra gravy for dressing? 🤣 I’ll try the next chapter maybe the order and dialogue wont be as jumbled. 😅
can we not kill but naked girls in your bedroom