ML is such a lovely guy he is more human than those trash they are brutes if anything when bitch said FL is infertile I thought ex was the one who would’ve had problems but then she mentioned about other woman getting preg but who knows who’s child she might be carrying this can be a possibility and I do think even if FL is infertile there can be medicine that can fix that.
Probably the ex husband’s mistress is pregnant to another man’s baby and just lied because that girl is a prostitute and he thought sae is a barren
this story feels a lot like another story named my happy marriage is it only me or…..
Don’t worry you will have children with ML .Theo ne who was childless was her ex not her
ML is such a lovely guy he is more human than those trash they are brutes if anything when bitch said FL is infertile I thought ex was the one who would’ve had problems but then she mentioned about other woman getting preg but who knows who’s child she might be carrying this can be a possibility and I do think even if FL is infertile there can be medicine that can fix that.