Thursday Count Aydin sucks as a dad. Zero thought for her actual safety or comfortability. Just let’s anyone in all willy-nilly. I can’t wait for Zed to pop in and punch bitch face in the mouth. July 10, 2023 at 6:42 am Log in to Reply
Sicarius Isn’t she engaged to the other dude? Why would her father allow another man to intrude like this? July 9, 2023 at 11:35 am Log in to Reply
Count Aydin sucks as a dad. Zero thought for her actual safety or comfortability. Just let’s anyone in all willy-nilly.
I can’t wait for Zed to pop in and punch bitch face in the mouth.
Isn’t she engaged to the other dude? Why would her father allow another man to intrude like this?