Wish the ladies could just marry each other. No offense to the dudes but I’m tired of stories where the male is like the only solution. I’d love it if they could grow strong and cover each other’s back. Luci’s sword skill (which hell is she EVER going to really fight or is that just erased because she’s in a new body) would be phenomenal and she could become a knight in this country like the last. I would do it so I could get closer to that traitor guy and kill him. Then with such an honor she could swear to be the night of her friend (but actually is a love promise) if her friend is still forced to get marked all they have to do is scar her somehow (sounds drastic but in this world I’m sure scars are considered enough reason to not be marriageble. ) doesn’t have to even be a big scar. Something small, but obvious on her arm, hand, cheek, whatever. But anyway, at least the art is lovely and the plot IS developing a little
your going to marry this son on b*tch ? ‘o’
73 and 74 same?ಥ‿ಥ
Wish the ladies could just marry each other. No offense to the dudes but I’m tired of stories where the male is like the only solution. I’d love it if they could grow strong and cover each other’s back. Luci’s sword skill (which hell is she EVER going to really fight or is that just erased because she’s in a new body) would be phenomenal and she could become a knight in this country like the last. I would do it so I could get closer to that traitor guy and kill him. Then with such an honor she could swear to be the night of her friend (but actually is a love promise) if her friend is still forced to get marked all they have to do is scar her somehow (sounds drastic but in this world I’m sure scars are considered enough reason to not be marriageble. ) doesn’t have to even be a big scar. Something small, but obvious on her arm, hand, cheek, whatever. But anyway, at least the art is lovely and the plot IS developing a little