the translation group has so much potential, the fonts and their editings were great but— can’t they use grammarly or something to fix the translation?? 😭😭
their efforts were being overlooked because of the thrashy translation.
How I wish that Harimanga’s translators take this again! Or even mangachill or even Puka. I mean rheir TL is not perfect; but this is disastrous. I think it’s better off if I read the raws and use Giogle translate or Papago.
I know! Or at least look at the previous TL work so that a viscount doesn’t become a prince a countess a princess and zed becomes jed or jet ot zet depending on how you feel like spelling it that second
whats good is that he is not crazt obssesed, just deeeeeply in love
the translation group has so much potential, the fonts and their editings were great but— can’t they use grammarly or something to fix the translation?? 😭😭
their efforts were being overlooked because of the thrashy translation.
ngl i thought that said ‘yeet’ and had a genZ panic moment there
How I wish that Harimanga’s translators take this again! Or even mangachill or even Puka. I mean rheir TL is not perfect; but this is disastrous. I think it’s better off if I read the raws and use Giogle translate or Papago.
I know! Or at least look at the previous TL work so that a viscount doesn’t become a prince a countess a princess and zed becomes jed or jet ot zet depending on how you feel like spelling it that second
this is too cute my soul cannot stand this i am absolutely revolted
La ko naintindihan sis
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh…. So cute?