They made the girl look more than stupid here. The people will be starving, the king will eliminate people as he wishes, but the nobles who gossip about the smallest thing will not gossip about this issue and the girl will not hear about it. They were really ridiculous. The time she lives in that kingdom is equal to the time a person spends in the dungeon without communicating with anyone. They made a female character who does not reveal any shred of intelligence. They even made Khalid a victim. I’m so angry..
They made the girl look more than stupid here. The people will be starving, the king will eliminate people as he wishes, but the nobles who gossip about the smallest thing will not gossip about this issue and the girl will not hear about it. They were really ridiculous. The time she lives in that kingdom is equal to the time a person spends in the dungeon without communicating with anyone. They made a female character who does not reveal any shred of intelligence. They even made Khalid a victim. I’m so angry..