I feel like they just pulled the lampshade over that whole situation with the bath bomb, it seems that the fl’s secretary pointed out that other ppl could point the finger at fl for potentially starting a disease and then curing it. Just bc the ppl that like you don’t suspect you doesn’t mean no one will suspect you. I hope this comes back to bite the fl later and she has a plan to combat this
She really did use that name for her most important product…
I feel like they just pulled the lampshade over that whole situation with the bath bomb, it seems that the fl’s secretary pointed out that other ppl could point the finger at fl for potentially starting a disease and then curing it. Just bc the ppl that like you don’t suspect you doesn’t mean no one will suspect you. I hope this comes back to bite the fl later and she has a plan to combat this
1 last chapter left
hahaha hes so cute !!
Lol I love this ML
damn i cant wait for CP reaction😩