F*CK CIAN’S MOTHER!! Unless she has a VERY good reason of not caring about her child, then SHE CAN DIE!! The only reasons that I can accept mothers being like that is only when there’s mentally wrong with that child (Has some illness that causes the child’s lifespan to shorten) and the mother wants to distance her relationship with her child so she can feel less pain when they die or the other way around. (The mother’s lifespan to shorten).
But if its just for no reason and you just don’t like your child for WHATEVER THE REASON IS… then she can die 😛
Oh he’s finally accepting that he needs to move on
cyan/sian is the aura user, I see
F*CK CIAN’S MOTHER!! Unless she has a VERY good reason of not caring about her child, then SHE CAN DIE!! The only reasons that I can accept mothers being like that is only when there’s mentally wrong with that child (Has some illness that causes the child’s lifespan to shorten) and the mother wants to distance her relationship with her child so she can feel less pain when they die or the other way around. (The mother’s lifespan to shorten).
But if its just for no reason and you just don’t like your child for WHATEVER THE REASON IS… then she can die 😛
I’m glad the father finally letting go of his wife , but why taht boy is so desperate for that stupid blondes approval?
He is finally letting her go and hopefully now he will be a good father to her watch he dote on her a lot and be like grrrrr to the little boy
Oh wait, i just realized by the funeral thing, he was talking abt his wife, no Villy
Villy is ALIVE
is that the past, or in his head!!
laso, what abt CYAN!!