The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 96
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I want a fucking mass update ahhhhhhhhhhh……….I can’t leave this site without reading the full story
2 steps ahead
NOOOO hurry up and update
Of course she did but it was to live because your father is the true enemy without I’m guessing you looking within your own family
poor ml.. Laria come back quick! and is it just me or Seymour and Leilani make a good duo, but not like a newlywed one like and old grandma and grandpa after 50 years of marriage???
Oh no princess you b0omed him with 2 new shocking things, poor him is already suffering 😭😭
Dammit! Someone tell Laria to go back to her man he is loosing it
I do love run away plots but pls quickly conclude this stuff I can’t see my baby suffer anymore 😭😭
Oh god my poor boy…i kind of want Evan to forget about Laria, she’ll be in denial with her feelings for far too long and Evan is on the verge of losing it, he doesnt deserve this pain 😭🙏